Sunday, February 10, 2008

Royally upset

By the looks of my title, it should not come as a surprise to you that this is one of those rants that go from here to there and round again.

Oh no, no, no, no, and no. I am not going to start naming names and cursing these imbeciles for all their worth. No. I will just say a couple of words to help ease the anger that has been boiling up inside since the minute I heard that I just lost a job without prior notice. Dammit!

Well, now. I know companies are entitled to just lay off everybody when they feel like it. But I would have wanted to have a little more heads up than I would have liked. Not just impromptu shove out the door. Not that I had anything to do with the lay off. Oh well, I was laid off, and so was everybody else. Or perhaps they just told me that so that I wont feel too bad?

Seriously, I thought I would not have much problems with International companies since they would have more sense than others. But heck! Now I remember that perhaps that is why they can be so successful because they do not inject emotion to the job. Still.. I just HATE IT!!!!!!!!

Now I am stuck without a clue as to where I would find another job.

Now it's back to the drawing board. DAMMIT!


shenzee said...

huh?! which job wud dat be? not the "prison" one, i hope...

rhardo said...

bago ra ta gakita lurch... u didn't mention anything being laid off, bago ra ni? asa nga job? spi is considered international, o katong online nmo?

Lurchie said...

not prison. Thank God.


de: happened the morning after nagkita ta.

cathee said...

"not prison. Thank God."

hehehe... funny...

well, everything happens for a reason.. something will come up... :) *

Anonymous said...

how come?? what could be their reason lurch of doing such thing?