Full Name: Gerard Fernandez
Birthday: February 23
Fav. movie: The Passion of the Christ
Fav. color: maroon
Fav. food: litson... especially the panit
Sport: volleyball
Fav. TV Shows: Fear Factor, SOP, CSI Miami, Just Shoot Me, Charmed, American Idol, Survivor, MYX, Sex and The City
Life Highlights: Artist of the Year, A.Y. awardee, I.T. Athletic awardee 2002-2004, SUHS Consistent honor student, Centennial Best server award (SU Intrams), SUHS The SENIOR class president in S.Y. 2000-2001
"The essential reason why we still cling on to life's rollercoaster it's because there are special people sitting beside us who need to be accompanied on their ride... our loved ones."
About me:
i'm a simple creature with a complex nature... hehehe!!!
I wish you happiness in every possible way, maot. May you continue to be blessed and live life to the fullest. Never make the mistake of moving too fast in life. Take it just one step at a time, and age gracefully. Mwah! XOXO, Lurch
Happy Birthday De!!
Happy Birthday de! forgive me ha kay nagduha2x gyud ko if karon ba or ugma imong beerday! hahahahaha :D
thanks guys!!! 24 nako hehehe...
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